Author Archives: IslandsandIslets

Which Thailand Beaches You Must Visit

Thailand Beach

If there is ever any place that you can call as “Tourist Magnet”, then, it should be Thailand in South East Asia. Thailand peninsula must be ranked very high in the list of the most visited Asian countries by the tourists. The Thai culture, their food, nightlife, uninhibited sex, beautiful beaches, the ubiquitous massage parlors, extremely beautiful Thai women pull tourists from every Asian country like a powerful magnet. Today, we will see which beaches in Thailand […]

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3 Best Spots in Bali Island for Water Rafting

Bali Water Rafting

So, you have finally made up your mind to take a vacation in Bali island, world’s ultimate island holiday destination with plenty of WaterSports like Water Rafting. There is nothing like Bali in the world that offers so much for the entire family. I presume you have booked your hotel, listed out the things to see and do, shortlisted several Bali sightseeing tour organizers and even decided where exactly you are going to eat your first Bali […]

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What Souvenirs Can You Buy in New Zealand?

New Zealand souvenirs

8 Best of New Zealand souvenirs you can buy in South Island, New Zealand. If you have ever visited an island, you would have noticed the uniqueness of gifts that are sold in the souvenirs shops lining the beaches. They are so different from what you see in big cities such as Rome or Amsterdam. The souvenirs in islands are invariably handmade and considerably cheaper than all those paraphernalia displayed attractively in shopping malls. Generally, souvenirs that […]

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4 Islands That Are Part Of India And Least Expensive

Majuli Island, river islands

Are There Any Islands in India Itself That One Can Visit with a Low Budget? Taking off to an isolated or uninhabited Islands need not empty your bank account. There are islands that one can visit without taking a bank loan. I understand Indians are big island buffs but they reject their own dreams of a holiday on an island fearing it may not fit their wallet size. I came to know about 4 islands that the […]

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9 Unique and Special Drinks of New Zealand

Slushy Cider

Have you ever toured abroad or visited a famous city like New Zealand in your own country just to try to eat some of the frequently mentioned foods that you have not tasted until now? Here is one more question: “Have you taken pains to travel to a new city, only to sip a few extraordinary drinks that kept appearing in print media? My answer is affirmative to both the questions but more lenient towards the second […]

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5 Islands That Offer Perfect Seclusion for the Honeymooners

Honeymooners travel destination

I wish I had conducted a survey regarding the most obvious choice of place for honeymooners because; I am of the firm opinion that any island, however remote it may be, is the ideal destination for spending the honeymoon. After all, what the honeymoon couples would look for? Ultimate privacy Less crowded spots Comfortable hotel or cottage rooms Healthy food These conditions are met only in islands that are exclusively suitable to spend the honeymoon. I am […]

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Borneo Island Wildlife Safari in 2020

Borneo Island

Malaysia and Singapore are the top two holiday destinations in Asia, if not the world. Both these nations are very tourist friendly. The attractions in Malaysia and Singapore are just too many that include Borneo Island Wildlife Safari. You require a minimum of 7 days to see all the attractions and to do all the fun activities especially if you are traveling with family. In fact, I would say both these beautiful nations are ideal family-friendly vacation […]

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Madagascar Island Tour-A Simple Guide

Madagascar Island

Lovers of wilderness, rainforests, wildlife in their natural habitat, endemic flora and fauna, isolated seafronts forever scour the world atlas with a magnifying lens and come up with exotic destinations like Madagascar Island that meet all their passions as a traveler. 99% of their meticulous combing of the world atlas yield islands, large or small, inhabited or uninhabited. What I am driving at is, no other destinations than exotic islands can be ideal and memorable travel destinations. Today, […]

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Travel guide to the Falkland Islands

Falkland Islands 2

Sometime during the early 1980s, we kept coming across the name, “ Falkland Islands ” repeatedly on the newspaper. It was the pre-internet era. Looking back, I remember a modern day war fought by the British against Argentina because the later invaded the Falkland Island which is actually a British Overseas Territory, whatever that means politically. I could only say the Falkland Island were and are under the British control. Location of Falkland Islands The Falkland Island […]

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Tranquil Kandy tour guide, Sri Lanka

Kandy (2)

At the outset, let me de-scare you; Sri Lanka is safe now for the tourist. It’s peacetime in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka is an island proudly called as the ‘Emerald Island’ in the Indian Ocean due to the green tea plantations, and thousands of coconut trees.The majority of the tourists to Sri Lanka will spend just a few hours in its capital city Colombo and quickly catch a train or a taxi to go to Kandy, the […]

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