Author Archives: IslandsandIslets

Lanzarote Island Travel Guide: 10 Must-See Spots

Lanzarote Island Travel Guide

This is where you can find the Lanzarote Island, one of the Spanish Islands, that is floating in the Atlantic Ocean. doesn’t reveal the North African nation Morocco, which is just 100 km east of the Canaries. The Canaries archipelago comprises 8 main islands. Lanzarote Island is the 3rd largest island. Size of Lanzorate: Occupying a land area of around 900, the island is quite large. Its length is 60 km! How to go to Lanzarote? […]

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Crucial Factors to Look into When Booking Resorts for Holidays


Planning a holiday involves numerous decisions, but perhaps one of the most significant is choosing the right resort for your stay. Your choice of accommodation can significantly impact the overall experience of your holiday. The perfect resort can enhance relaxation, adventure, and enjoyment, making your holiday memorable. Vacation clubs like Club Wyndham Asia have testimonials that will help you choose the best. In this guide, we’ll explore crucial factors to consider when booking resorts for holidays, helping […]

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Lempedusa Island Travel Guide

Lempedusa Island

Lempedusa Island belongs to which country? It is an Italian island and is part of the Pelagie Islands archipelago, found in the Mediterranean Sea. Let us  know the best things to do in this island in this blog post “Lempedusa Island Travel Guide”. Pelagies archipelago comprises three islands namely: Lempedusa Island Lampione Island Linosa Island I think there must be a logic behind the names of the three islands in which, the starting letter is, ‘L’. Location […]

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Island Hopping and International Tastes: A Food Lover’s Journey


The quest for gastronomic adventures can take you from the comfort of your home kitchen to the distant shores of islands around the globe. Islands often offer a culinary landscape rich in both local and international flavors. From the comforting Italian Focaccia bread to the sun-drenched beaches of Kos Island where Grecian treats await, a food lover’s journey can be an eclectic mix of local produce, time-honored recipes, and fusion dishes that represent a mélange of cultures. […]

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The Wonders of Wildlife Tourism: Experiences You Can’t Miss

Wildlife Tourism

Wildlife tourism is a form of escapade that allows travelers to immerse themselves in the natural habitats of the world’s most intriguing creatures. It provides a unique intersection of education, entertainment, and environmental awareness. The allure of seeing animals in their natural settings as opposed to the confines of a zoo fosters a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of Earth’s ecosystems. From the dense forests of Thailand to the sprawling savannahs of Africa, wildlife tourism offers an […]

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On The Road With Sports Passion: A Traveler’s Guide


Traveling can be a transformative experience that enriches your life with new perspectives, cultures, and even skills. But for sports enthusiasts, the idea of traveling often brings an additional layer of complexity and excitement. Whether you’re an avid golfer or an ornithologist keen on birding, your sports passion can significantly enhance your travel experience, provided you’re equipped with the right knowledge and tools. The Harmony Of Golf And Traveling The world of golf is expansive, both in […]

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Travel and Wellness: Your Guide to Looking and Feeling Great on the Go


Traveling is an essential part of life that enables you to explore new places, meet different people, and immerse yourself in diverse cultures. However, frequent traveling can sometimes have an adverse effect on your well-being if not managed effectively. It’s common to experience skin issues, fatigue, and other health concerns when constantly on the go. Travel Preparations Embarking on a journey requires meticulous preparation to ensure not only a memorable experience but also the maintenance of optimal […]

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10 Natural Wonders of the Caribbean

El Yunque National Forest

This blog posts unveils 10 natural wonders of the Caribbean Islands. When you see a single Flamingo, you would stop to stare and appreciate the bird’s pink color, black beak, and long, ultra-thin legs. What if you come across a flock of Pink Flamingos, trying to find food in a lake or in a lagoon? You would immediately shoot them in your camera-right? 10 Natural Wonders of the Caribbean That’s what you see in the video above. […]

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10 Extraordinary Places in Indonesia

Extraordinary Places in Indonesia

Probably, Indonesia is one country in the world that an individual cannot plan for a holiday without some guidance. It is because the country is too large and spread over a vast area comprising a little over 19 million sq. km. Let us visit 10 Extraordinary Places in Indonesia in this blog post. Look at the map of Indonesia above. It starts from Malaysia in the South China Sea and ends just above Australia in the South […]

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9 Places to See the Surreal Beauty of Bioluminescent Beaches

Surreal Beauty of Bioluminescent Beaches

The light emitting living organisms are found throughout the world but we are able to see them only in a few beaches. Bioluminescent beaches : Why it is so? Because, these bioluminescent creatures are mostly found to be living near the sea-floor than the sea surface. When you see them on the surface, the water turns into a dreamy blue. Even then, you cannot single out a creature but can only see the sea water sparkles with […]

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