Tag Archives: Sicily

21 Most Popular Sicilian Dishes

Most Popular Sicilian Dishes Farsu Magru

What food can you eat in Sicily? In this blog post, you will come to know what to eat in Sicily and what Sicilian dishes you can find on the restaurants’ menu cards. Among all the cuisines in the world, Italian cuisine is the most liked one. Even the Chinese and Spanish cuisines are listed after the Italian cuisine even though Chinese and Spanish foods have penetrated the world well. Mainland Italy food, the foods of various […]

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Sizzling Cities and Towns in Sicily to Visit

Cities and Towns in Sicily

If you are thinking of making a trip to Italy’s Sicily, you better know about some sizzling cities and towns in Sicily. This blog post will be full of useful information about traveling to sizzling cities and towns in Sicily, their cathedrals and seaside castles. I am giving below just an image of a typical residential locality in Sicily. The atmosphere is colorful and the mood is laid back. It seems no one will ever hurry in […]

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6 Best Islands in Europe in 2021


If anyone decides to go to an island for a holiday, Europe is the best choice because the options for Best Islands are really wider than any other continent in the world. Take, for example, the Greek Islands; it comprises of a whopping 6000 best islands. You require a lifetime of holidays to visit all those 6000 islands. Of course, only 227 Greek islands are inhabited but who prevents you from stepping on an uninhabited island? To […]

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Travel Guide to Mount Etna, the Most Active Volcano in the World

Mount Etna by Reuters

Let us visit Mount Etna, Sicily, the world’s most active volcano since centuries. Sicily is a very big island in the Mediterranean Sea. Volcanoes are not mysteries anymore; we all know what causes an eruption. Nevertheless, the force of nature when a volcano erupts to spew molten lava certainly intimidates. The damage volcanoes cause to the ecology and human life is permanent. Still, volcanoes attract us, not during eruption but when the eruption ceases and they become […]

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6 Italian Island That You Should Know

Sicily island, Italy

I once heard that Italy which has several beautiful islands attracts more tourists than Switzerland and France that I believed to possess the maximum number of sightseeing places in Europe. Do you join me in that belief? We both are wrong; Italy is ranked at the top of European tourist destinations than other European countries. I then guessed it to be right as Italy is where the Vatican is, the world’s headquarters for Christians. Then, there is […]

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