Category Archives: Destinations

Travel guide to the Falkland Islands

Falkland Islands 2

Sometime during the early 1980s, we kept coming across the name, “ Falkland Islands ” repeatedly on the newspaper. It was the pre-internet era. Looking back, I remember a modern day war fought by the British against Argentina because the later invaded the Falkland Island which is actually a British Overseas Territory, whatever that means politically. I could only say the Falkland Island were and are under the British control. Location of Falkland Islands The Falkland Island […]

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Tranquil Kandy tour guide, Sri Lanka

Kandy (2)

At the outset, let me de-scare you; Sri Lanka is safe now for the tourist. It’s peacetime in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka is an island proudly called as the ‘Emerald Island’ in the Indian Ocean due to the green tea plantations, and thousands of coconut trees.The majority of the tourists to Sri Lanka will spend just a few hours in its capital city Colombo and quickly catch a train or a taxi to go to Kandy, the […]

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Travel guide to Kadmat Island in Lakshadweep

Travel guide to Kadmat Island

Lakshadweep archipelago is a union territory of India. This group of islands and atolls are located in the Laccadive sea, part of the Arabian sea. In the history books n India, the Lakshadweep islands are always mentioned as Lakshadweep and Minicoy Islands and Kadmat Island is one among them. The archipelago has two more groups of islets called Amindivi Islands and the Laccadive Islands. Though the Lakshadweep islands are pristine holiday destination, not many tourists visit them. […]

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How Does Life Happen in Boracay Island?

Boracay Island

The title was an inspiration after I read a blog post on Travel and Leisure. The writer coined that phrase in an article that spoke about touring the Boracay Island, one of the thousands of islands of Philippines. The Philippines is probably the only country in the world that offers much more than its capital Manila. Imagine your predicament when you are presented with 7000 islands to choose your vacation in the Philippines. Tough choice-eh? Here, let […]

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5 Exotic Islands of Thailand Probably You Do not Know


The Asian continent is probably the second most visited continent by the tourists; Africa being the first. Asian countries like Thailand are truly diverse in geography, history, religion, culture, and food. No other continent can match such a diversity which is a real tourist and historian’s attraction. Some of the top Asian countries for tourism Hong Kong Thailand Vietnam Philippines Indonesia Sri Lanka India Myanmar China Cambodia Korea Of these Asian countries, Thailand is very popular among […]

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Travel Guide to Mount Etna, the Most Active Volcano in the World

Mount Etna by Reuters

Let us visit Mount Etna, Sicily, the world’s most active volcano since centuries. Sicily is a very big island in the Mediterranean Sea. Volcanoes are not mysteries anymore; we all know what causes an eruption. Nevertheless, the force of nature when a volcano erupts to spew molten lava certainly intimidates. The damage volcanoes cause to the ecology and human life is permanent. Still, volcanoes attract us, not during eruption but when the eruption ceases and they become […]

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6 Italian Island That You Should Know

Sicily island, Italy

I once heard that Italy which has several beautiful islands attracts more tourists than Switzerland and France that I believed to possess the maximum number of sightseeing places in Europe. Do you join me in that belief? We both are wrong; Italy is ranked at the top of European tourist destinations than other European countries. I then guessed it to be right as Italy is where the Vatican is, the world’s headquarters for Christians. Then, there is […]

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7 Beautiful Black Sand Beaches in Auckland, New Zealand

Black Sand Beaches, New Zealand

Did  You ever visit New Zealand? When you read or hear about a beach, you instantly visualize white or dull-golden color sand beaches bordering the deep blue color sea. In fact, the most common color of the beach is we identify with ‘sand color’. However, our Earth is a planet full of irregularities. As the color of the oceans varies from various shades of blue and green, their beach color too varies. There are white sand beaches, […]

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Islands and Islets: Everything You Need to Know About

Islands and Islets

Islands and Islets whenever I heard these names I just go back to my childhood days. When I was a kid, I always loved to visit the Islands, and I always felt that my dream vacation was to visit most of the beautiful islands. Not only me, but you can also ask almost anyone you know about “what is their dream vacation,” and most of them will say some sort of Island names such as “Hawaii, Mauritius, […]

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The Best Sailing Routes in the World

Sailing and Sailing Routes

What is the importance of Sailing and Sailing Routes? As a travel blogger, I like this very appropriate quote for a true traveler. “You cannot discover a new land without first losing sight of the shore” by  Andre Gide. I don’t know whether Andre Gide was a contemporary of Columbus. He must be because I think Columbus must have been inspired by that excellent quote. So many continents, peninsulas, and islands were discovered by sailors only. But […]

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