Category Archives: Destinations

The Best Sailing Routes in the World

Sailing and Sailing Routes

What is the importance of Sailing and Sailing Routes? As a travel blogger, I like this very appropriate quote for a true traveler. “You cannot discover a new land without first losing sight of the shore” by  Andre Gide. I don’t know whether Andre Gide was a contemporary of Columbus. He must be because I think Columbus must have been inspired by that excellent quote. So many continents, peninsulas, and islands were discovered by sailors only. But […]

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5 Best Beaches and Haad Rin Full-Moon Party in Koh Phangan

Koh Phangan

Koh Phangan is a tropical island located in the Gulf of Thailand. Normally, tourists to Thailand don’t venture beyond Bangkok city and Phuket island since their 3 or 4 nights stay in Bangkok will be more than filled with sightseeing, shopping, and adventure activities. Hence, most of the travelers to Thailand do not have time to visit Koh Phangan island, near Thailand. They are missing something memorable. There are more than ten beautiful beaches in this 125 […]

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Important Places to See In South Island, New Zealand

South Island, New Zealand

New Zealand is an island country but split into two main landmasses called the North and South Island which is much bigger than the North Island. The two main islands are separated by the Cook Strait whose water is said to be dangerous. The Cook Strait is nearly 22 km wide. Though the South Island is much bigger than the North Island, its population is less than its northern counterpart. In addition, there are as many as […]

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8 Water Sports For Non-Swimmers In Andaman Islands

Andaman Islands

  Water sports excite everyone irrespective of age. Whenever you watch the children enjoying any kind of water sport, screaming with joy, you feel like joining them but you scared because you don’t know swimming in case the situation warrants. Of course, water rides do not require swimming but still, lack of that skill might restrain you.There are 8 different adventure sports in water in Nicobar and Andaman Islands that you can enjoy even if you don’t […]

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16 Little-Known Facts About Andaman and Nicobar Islands

Andaman and Nicobar Islands

The Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal have thousands of hidden gems as islands and islets, similar to the Mediterranean Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. Apart from the world famous Bali, Singapore and Borneo, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands have made an indelible mark on the map of island tourism. In the last 20 years, Andaman Islands have attracted more tourists than ever before in spite of the tsunami attack. I happened to read some fascinating […]

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Island of Palau Travel Guide for First Time Visitors


This blog post strives to be an ultimate guide to the Palau archipelago and to some of its major islands. I happened to read one odd news about the need to take a pledge by the tourists to Palau even before setting afoot on any one of the islands in Palau archipelago. It’s an eco-pledge that goes like this: “Children of this island, I take this pledge as your guest, to preserve and protect your beautiful and […]

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Fiji, Which is the Honeymooners’ Best Choice for an Island Getaway

Fiji _2

Look at the two pictures of Fiji island below. They are called as the overwater bungalows/villas/bures. The last word means ‘huts’ in Fijian. While the first picture is an aerial view of the private villas on the seawater meant exclusively for the honeymoon couples, the second picture is taken from the inside of the bure facing the sea. Will you vote for any other place on the earth that is more suitable for honeymooners than this? If […]

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5 Island Beaches in East Africa

Seychelles East Africa

East Africa is home not only to jungles and game parks but also to some of the world’s most beautiful beaches. As far as I have read, unlike the beaches in other parts of the world such the United States or India, the beaches in East Africa ooze totally a different culture that reflects the Africans’ belief, lifestyle, and culture. The life in and around the African beaches are slow paced and quite relaxed. In addition, the […]

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Detailed Travel Guide to Canggu Beach, Bali, Indonesia

Canggu Beach

In this blog post, you will know about all the attractions of Canggu beach, Bali, Indonesia. You can also choose the hotel for your upcoming stay. Know beforehand the facilities and amenities of your choice of beach resort and the food they serve. Indonesia attracts and threatens equally, especially during monsoon. While Bali in Indonesia is the second most visited island in the world, we hear about tsunami threats during the rainy seasons. Then, there are the […]

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8 Biggest Islands in the World Worth for Your Visit

Biggest islands

This blog post reports the 8 biggest islands in the world. My target readers for this article are the avid islands travelers in the world. They can read this blog and bookmark the big islands that they plan to add to their bucket list. Pleasures of traveling to islands My personal preference is always traveling to small islands and cute islets that are either sparsely inhabited by humans or uninhabited but I sure would love to encounter […]

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